A terrible accident on 5th September around 19.30, took the life of the Sayango family: Avelino, Ludia and little Nancy.
On the 5th of September, we went to the wedding of Isaias and Zizi. The ceremony ended around 19.00 hours and we greeted each other outside the church before separating. Avelino and family, going home to the Futungo and Marie-Claude and myself going to the wedding reception.

It was there we got a telephone message informing us of an accident at Gamek roundabout and that the driver has been taken to the Hospital by the police. When we reached the accident site, we saw a trailer truck on top of a car wreck, the Sayangos' car, crushing the rear end of the vehicle and its passengers, only the driver survived. Death must have been instantaneous, as the car is a mass of twisted metal and the bodies had to be extracted with the help of the fire-fighters: There we found our friends and co workers: Dear Avelino lying all broken up like a puppet, Ludia still held by the twisted metal of the car and little Nancy near her grand mother, with a peaceful expression but no life.
On the spot we met Dr João Junior, Vice Minister of Social affairs, and grandfather of Ludia, who had been called by the police through his wife Flora's phone number found in Ludia's agenda in the car.

What a terrible catastrophe!
A little later Gaby, Little Nancy's mother and Céleste arrived. They had heard on the radio about the accident and that the passengers of a Blue car had all been killed at the roundabout near Gamek.

After taking them into our arms, broken with grief and the pain of seeing the worst possible news confirmed, we took them home to pick up some clothes and come to our home for a safe night. Their aunt Flora, stayed with them that terrible night and try to comfort them, so that they should not be alone in their despair.

The bodies are in the morgue and all is done so that they will be transported to Benguela where the aged mothers of Avelino and Ludia are staying. Meanwhile the friends and family are meeting in the home of Avelino and Ludia and a daily service is held to look to the Lord, who alone can comfort the bereaved.

What can we say? Our hearts cry, many questions whirl around our thoughts in our heads. Our eyes are still dry as we try to cope with the news, and gradually tears well up from our hearts as the impact of this loss comes to us. We are weak before such an event in which our dear friends, brothers and sisters in the Lord and co-workers have left us to be near their Saviour and Lord.

Avelino Sayango born on 13.12.51 is 52 years old, he is the administrator and deputy manager of the Mission's Literature Project, he has been previously the IESA General Administrator and before that the Kalukembe Hospital Administrator. A competent, brilliant personality, dedicated to the Lord's work. We will miss him terribly.

Ludia Camoto Sayango born on 15.10.1957 is 46 years old, she is the Secretary to the Hanna movement with Transworld Radio, previously Secretary to the IESA church and mother of 2 children, Gilberto (in Canada) and Gabriella (mother of Nancy, living with her parents in Luanda)

Langayala Nancy Sayango born on 12.01.1998 is 5 years old. She is a little sparkling jewel, just about to start her first year in Primary School.

Fear not for I have redeemed you,
I have summoned you by name
You are mine...
For I am the Lord your God,
The Holy One of Israel, your Saviour

Isaiah 43.2

With tears we greet you, in the Lord's name
Jean Pierre and Marie Claude Bréchet